The word safety refers to the management of risk with the goal of eliminating, reducing, and/or mitigating injury and loss as a result of accidents and incidents. NBAA的愿景声明以提高公务航空安全的无条件承诺开始. 安全是公务航空在国家运输系统中发挥作用的基础. It is also a key expectation of those who we personally transport. Our community must not only be safe, it also must have the perception of safety.


  • 高层管理人员对安全作为一种行为模式和普遍的生活方式的无条件承诺.
  • Unambiguous expectations by each level of management as well as each peer group that, for all employees, 安全的生活方式和工作习惯就像呼吸一样正常,必须在工作中和工作之外加以实践.
  • 有高质量、标准化的设备来完成分配的任务.
  • Clear, easily understood operating procedures, followed without deviation.
  • Inclusive system of communications for collecting, analyzing, and exchanging incident data related to safety.
  • Non-retribution for submission of incident data.
  • Retraining without penalty or stigma when safety is involved.
  • 跟踪事件和事故数据、分析趋势和反馈结果的系统.
  • Peer acceptance that accidents are preventable, regardless of operations.
  • Peer acceptance that safety is a matter of lifestyle – a matter of culture.

In order to assist the membership in developing or refining a formal safety program, NBAA安全委员会编写了本《皇冠app安卓系统》. 该项目的动机是确保NBAA成员公司在其组织内解决风险的手段. NBAA安全委员会已经确定了飞行和地面安全计划,这可能是任何商务航空组织降低风险所必需的. 这些程序只是原型,不应被解释为推荐策略. Each organization should tailor their own safety program to its own specific needs.

Follow the links below to download a specific program element.